general in CHAOS CHAOS!!!


annoyed rn

so i will instead focus on #quare400 maybe becoming real if you idiots could ACTUALLY READ AND NOT LIKE THE POST AND SCROLL

on a slightly related note,

"boo hoo quare block!!1!!1" TOO BAD

yet another post that i want you to comment on

comment something and i'll say if it's dni or not

Kreekcraft's grandma died and people are making fun of him. Utterly disgusting.


can someone gift me an avatar frame or smth please

(these are the ones i have already)

Welcome Quer, the replacement (aka brother) of Quare until further notice.

Im tired of This, I delete MY account? Yes ir No?


@frantasma countryball OC remake

(post update: added the flag at the end)

I have a hard time explaining characters (even when I'm the one making them) so I ask, on a scale of 1-10 how good are you at describing characters?